PLASTIC CASKET archives the Monica artwork here and at
Effulgent Graphics' Boy Is Mine Official Fansite. They may not be used on any other pages.

Best viewed on the monitor setting: 800x600 pixels. (In my opinion)

This site is to honor Monica by fanart. The site and graphics are maintained by Plastic Casket.
All artwork archived on this site are also drawn by Tenrai Ether of Plastic Casket.

Contact: Tenrai Ether

To make a guestbook interesting, tell everyone what YOU would say to Monica,
if you ever met her! Me? I would beg to be in her presence for one hour to draw her.
OH, and also, PLEASE, comment on the page!! I would appreciate any suggestions for it.

Sign/Tell Everyone What You would Say (Guestbook)

View/See what People would Say (Guestbook)

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